ArtAround Roswell 2018 Sculpture
Open Low-Poly Heart by Matthew Duffy

About Open Low-Poly Heart
This sculpture is made out of aluminum diamond plate, often seen in truck boxes and other industrial materials. It is an incredibly strong, but extremely light material. The piece was designed using an advanced algorithm, which chopped up a 3D model into a low polygon structure of interlocking triangle. Each triangle is cut using a water jet (hydro-cutting), that uses high pressured water and small pieces of garnet to cut out the shapes.
The artist enjoys using cutting-edge technology like hydro-cutting, 3-D printing, and CAD modeling, combined with traditional methods of sculpture making. Can you see the technical and aesthetics aspects that create Open Low-Poly Heart?
#openlowpolyheart #artaroundroswell
Location: East Roswell Entrance
Purchase Price: $15,000
Materials: Aluminum Diamondplate, low-VOC Enamel
Dimensions 5” x 5″ x 2.5″